Why Alta du Toit School Needs Donations

The aim of all fundraisers at Alta du Toit school is to provide access to education to learners attending the school. Therefore, the focus is to assist parents/guardians by subsidising transport and hostel accommodation. We also pride ourselves on getting involved in the wider community promoting people with disabilities and assisting where we can provide opportunities.


In exchange for a 18A certificate:
  • Sponsor a learner’s hostel or transport fees.
  • Sponsor a classroom assistant salary.
  • Donate any amount to the school.
  • Donate a 15-seater bus to the school.
  • Support the school through the Woolworths My school My Village initiative.
  • Donate LCD TV’s, laptops and tablets to the school.
  • Support our annual fundraiser #IAMABLE fun run by entering or paying for learners and parents in high need of support to enter.
  • Assist with the plumbing and electrical work in exchange for an 18 A certificate.


  • Donate used magazine to assist with curriculum implementation.
  • Donate products for market days.
  • If you have a business requiring simple tasks e.g. packaging , we can do at the school for you.
  • Allowing learners in their final year to Job Shadow at your business for 2 hours at a time on Wednesdays.
  • Teatime sandwiches and fruit for learners
  • Food parcels for learners and parents in high need of support

Help Support Alta du Toit school

We appreciate any support, whether big or small. Donations are tax-deductible.  Donations can be done through any of the methods.

Please use your reference number OR initials and surname as reference

Important Notice to Donors:

To ensure that you receive your donation receipts and tax certificates on time, we kindly request that you inform us of your donation and submit all necessary documents well in advance of the tax due date. This will allow us to process your information and provide you with the required documentation efficiently. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

Alta Du Toit Important Dates

To pay money directly into Alta du Toit’s bank account, use the following details:

Alta du Toit

Alta du Toit Skool
Current Account
Branch Code 632005
Swift code ABSAZAJJ

Account  3010141000

We would like to thank you, so kindly send the proof of payment with your contact details to:adminf@altadutoit.co.za

To contribute through debit order kindly download the form below and email your deposit slip to: admin@altadutoit.co.za

Download Your Debit Order Form Here

Make a bequest to us in your will.
A bequest, big or small, can make a significant difference to help realize the dreams of the learners of Alta du Toit School. Long after your death, your caring and commitment will ensure that intellectually disabled learners will have a future and a worthwhile life. This will give you the peace of mind that your dreams and aspirations for the community will live on. Find out more about bequests and how to bequeath money from your estate.

Kindly contact admin@altadutoit.co.za for further information.

Alta du Toit is a Non Profit company which can issue ART18A receipts (receipts for a public benefit organisation).

To issue a tax certificate, we need the following information from the donor:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • Contact details
  • Postal address
  • Date of donation
  • Donation amount

Please email the details to: adminf@altadutoit.co.za

18A and Section9 letters apply when a donation is made. 

To contribute to SnapScan kindly follow the link below or use the code to direct you to our donation portal. Take me to SnapScan


Alta Du Toit Job Able Logo


Alta Du Toit Accountability Logo


Alta Du Toit Mc Donald Logo

Mc Donald’s

Alta Du Toit Network Logo

Network Makelaars

Alta Du Toit District Bassett Logo

Bassett North

reach out to us

Scan Or Click Here to Donate

“Giving is not just about making a donation, it is about making a difference.”
– Kathy Calvin.

Alta Du Toit School

🗭  –  Email       I  admin@altadutoit.co.za

☏  –  Phone      I  021 903 4178

🖷  –  Fax            I  021 903 6021

⚐  –  Mail          I    Private Bag X10, Kuils River

߉  –  Location  Piet Fransman street, Kuilsriver

Alta Du Toit Fundraising Office

🗭  –  Email       I liaison@altadutoit.co.za

☏  –  Phone      I  021 903 4178

⚐  –  Mail           I  PO Box 170, Kuilsriver, 7579

߉  –  Location  I  Piet Fransman street, Kuils River

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